Thursday, January 26, 2012

Barns, Quilts, and Morse Code

Among the many things on the "to do" list for the weekend, which keeps getting longer, is to hang this pretty thing! My darling SIL gave this to us; she had a friend paint it especially for Lazy Bee Farm! I love how the colours pop, don't you?? We are thinking it will hang on the end of the building designated "shop" which sits nearest the house and closest to the road. That way, everyone who drives past will be able to admire it! I am so excited! I have wanted one of these for a long time to adorn our farm! Thanks, Chris, for your generosity! We love it!

While I was snapping the barn quilt's portrait, I kept hearing Morse Code... dot dot dot dashdashdash dot dot.... I looked to see what it was and, lo and behold, it was a flycatcher enjoying a little nosh courtesy of the Maple. He didn't budge, even when I walked out into the yard to take his portrait. Perhaps he was a tad jealous of the barn quilt and wanted his picture taken, too!

The flycatcher was completely unexpected! We have lots of downy and pileated woodpeckers, but we have never seen one of these guys before. I am so excited. Guess there will be some special little treat out for him tomorrow!

What unexpected gift did you get today??


  1. How pretty! You have a great sister-in-law! Hope your flycatcher stays around!

  2. Oooh how lovely! Are you opening a shop? What a great sign to attact customers--just hope the flycatcher doesn't take a liking to it...LOL!

  3. Oh lucky you, Matty. I love Barn Quilts; one of the top reasons we loved to drive around Iowa. I hope you post a picture of how it looks after you've mounted it!! It is wonderful!

  4. I love spying a new bird in the yard. And that barn quilt is marvelous! I'd like to see a picture of it mounted too!

  5. Hi Matty, thanks so much for the magazines! I know I will really enjoy looking through them and I will give them a good home! Your barn painting is wonderful, I have heard of them but I have never seen one down our way. It is going to be beautiful and make Lazy Bee look very special! Have a restful saturday evening! Delisa :)


Thanks for dropping in on the farm today! I enjoy your comments!

