Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Morning Joy

Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Thy daily stage of duty run;
Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise,
To pay thy morning sacrifice.
 ~ From Awake My Soul (the last verse is the Doxology)

This is the best part of  my summer, thus far. Each morning, nearly, I can slowly awake, heat a scone and make a cuppa coffee. Then, I can read my Grandmother's Bible and the daily entry in Streams in the Desert  (thanks to Sandy sharing her love of the devotional, I now own one as well!). A little easy peasy knitting, I am addicted to Deb's waffle dishcloths right now, and then I am ready to face whatever the day offers.

How do you like to start your morning?


  1. The mornings are delightful here also. Looks like you have quite a nice little routine going. Those scones look delicious.

  2. What a lovely way to spend the morning! I love scones and tea in the morning. Before I became disabled, (not a word I typically like to use, because I am "abled" in many ways, but it is really the best way to describe it) I loved to get up early and take my husband to work.

    I would then stop off along the way home and go for a walk by the bay. I would then come home and put the house in order. One of my most favorite things to do in the morning was to wash our wood floors in our old house with Murphy oil soap and polished them until they shined. I would then bake and crochet. I usually had everything done by 11:00 a.m. and then was out the door to do errands or meet a friend for tea or lunch. Sometimes in the summer I would do my gardening in the morning before the heat of the day. I was definitely a morning person and treasure those times.

    Today mornings are my most challenging time of the day, as I struggle to get the pain under control and loosen all of my joints that have been stiffened during the night. It is a slow process. But I do feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of every day knowing that I worked through it and stayed as active as I can. I'm so happy for you Matty that you have these delightful spring/summer mornings and a break from your busy schedule. You sound like someone who can really make the most of being home and that you find a lot of joy and satisfaction in working with your hands. Have a lovely afternoon ahead! Delisa :)

  3. I love your morning routine. How can a day go badly with a beginning like that. For me it's DOVE chocolate with my coffee. (:

  4. That's lovely way to start the day. Seems nice gentle way to get going.

  5. I like how your day starts... gentle no-hurry is best for me. Slow into it, unless I've got things I really am excited to get into.

    I love to read (Bible or inspirational) and think, as well as journal, along with my first cuppa coffee.


Thanks for dropping in on the farm today! I enjoy your comments!

