Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Always Travel With...

5) Your own tea. Nothing is as good as your own tea brand! Add a mason jar and you have the means to make your own sun tea. Nevermind the comments about your tea being in the window of a very nice Inn. Just do it!

4) Knitting. While waiting, it is a good thing to have to pass the time! And, should you run out of projects, make sure there is always a yarn shop nearby that will be happy happy to help you fall down the rabbit hole. Besides, there are no strangers in yarn shops!

3) Extra shoes. It is an unwritten law that your feet are going to hurt after two days of walking. Three pairs may not be enough -- I'm just saying...

2) A vase. This is for the flowers you need in your room to make it feel more like home. Besides, glasses keep falling over if the flowers are top heavy and you will find yourself using not-nice words in very creative ways!

1) A massage therapist. A different bed, strange chairs, and lots of walking can make your back ache beyond the point that a good stretch will help. I am negotiating with some of our venues to provide me with a massage. I will let you know how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. I am with Tina on this.... you know exactly what makes a trip more enjoyable!

    Well maybe except for the knitting... would it permissible to load that part of my suitcase with books?

    I certainly could easily fall into that rabbit hole, whether the shop is knitting or books, because I can very easily swoon over beautiful skeins of yarn, even though I'm not destined to be a knitter -- no matter how I try, I've got two-left needles!

    We'll be waiting for more........


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