my flour container is an old coffee jar
Cooky, please?
Babies everywhere! We have 16 right now of which 11 are bucks. I go out and sit on the rocks in the pasture with the girls in the afternoon. They sun and search my apron pockets for animal cookies. They are such pigs!
And, in the afternoons, while having tea, I watch this:
hello, Ms. Phoebe
oh, waitress!! more, please!
I can't keep this filled! We have hummers from April 17 - ?? every year. This year I have four feeders up and they are not enough!
aren't you done, yet??
And that's my cue. Miss Annie-Bananie has something of great urgency --- she hasn't been kissed or petted in five whole minutes.... So I am off to get some stellar kitty love and see what the day brings!
Have a marvelous week!