Friday, June 7, 2013

Some days...

... things won't post right.... Grrr...

Imagine, if you will, the slope behind my house. Now, imagine just a bit more. There's a little 4 x4 raised bed filled with delicious "tea" herbs --- mint, lemon balm, bee balm, and lavender. Isn't it darling? Can you just imagine how good a cuppa will be from my little tea garden?

Now, do you see what makes me say, "grrrrr..."??? My picture won't upload. At. All.

But trust me, the little tea garden is precious! I just hope to find a little piece of statuary to put in it.. Maybe a fairy?? I'll be keeping my eyes open for one!

Now, imagine another bed next to it filled with fresh, lovely year-old compost from the barn. It has lettuce planted in it. Old fashioned lettuces for us, thank you. Nothing too fancy pants for this old farm girl. Mr. Bunny can't wait for it to come up. He is like me; we are tired of store bought and the weather hasn't been very nice for growing lettuces, yet.

A little cold frame is going up next to these two raised beds so Bunny and I will have lettuce from now on....

If only you could see it... I'll try again later to post pictures...

In the meantime, let's go get our hands dirty, shall we??

1 comment:

  1. Dear Matty,

    It seems that everyone has gardening on the mind! I'm picturing your beds and cold frame in my mind, and it's quite lovely. :)




Thanks for dropping in on the farm today! I enjoy your comments!

