Sunday, August 5, 2012

No Lazy Bee Here!

Baking lots of blueberry - lemon scones for the Farmer's Market ...

Freezing dozens of ears of fresh corn. Grilling some, too! Yummers!
These come from a friend's garden. He had over 100 dozen ears this summer!

Canning peaches from a friend's orchard over in Cana, Virginia. If you can
get peaches from Cana, you will have something wonderful indeed!
It is an area well known for peaches and apples!

Making lots of salsa and pickle relish;
canning beets and tomatoes. I always note the weather
on the lids so when I open them in the winter, I know what
the day was like when I canned 'em. It makes the memory
That Much Sweeter!

Pulling honey supers and getting ready to extract honey.
We will have more than 200 pounds of Lazy Bee Farm Honey
this year! We are so excited!  

Making tons of castile soap to use for the goat's milk soap.
Last week I worked a festival and sold nearly 100 bars in a little under 6 hours!
I can't keep up!

My supervisor, "Sweet Pea." This is the little guy who
was set out and abandoned with his brothers. We
couldn't catch the brothers, but Sweet Pea was so
sweet and ready to come live with us. He loves when we let him
out of his home and play in the kitchen. He is even paper trained!
Gotta love that!

Enjoying the frequent storms we are having. The Mister and I love
to watch the rain and storms. He does it from the porch; I am not that brave.
Moose, Annabelle and I watch from the living room!

This is just a bit of what has been going on around here the past few weeks. I am still picking blueberries for the market and for special orders. Last week I picked more than ten gallons! I am updating (read: painting) my porch furniture. Pictures of that soon along with other Lazy Bee Farm doings! School starts soon.... I will miss being home every day!

What have you been into lately??


  1. Not as much as I need to is what I am a doin! but it is cooling off this week Its only going to be in the low 90's! Wooo hooo! Your rabbit look slike he has Hotot in him. They are the only breed I know that has black eyeliner. There is a dwarf and regular size too.
    Wow 200lbs of honey.. thats awesome!

    1. Thanks for telling me about the bunny, Tonia! I didn't know that about them! He is such a cutie. The Mister calls him the "Max Factor Bunny" because of the eyeliner! He is a very smart bunny! LOL Glad it is getting cooler! I melt when it is hot! And lump in the rain! LOL

  2. OH? So that's what rain looks like! I had completely forgotten. Were your ears burning? I was thinking about you today. Just bought some canning jars with bee skeps on them, reminded me of you. (The cost more than the regular ones, but I couldn't resist.) Canning here too; gallons and gallons of spaghetti sauce. Wish I had a friend that would give me some corn. It wasn't good around here. The ears were small and flavorless. Oh well! Saved me a lot of work, I just bought some cans for the pantry. BTW, was that boney grandma comment a hint?

  3. Oh, my, I love lemon and blueberry together. Wish I was there to share one with you.

    We finally had a good soaking rain over the weekend, the first in months. While too late for the crops and my garden, we're hoping it helps the smaller trees in our yard and the forest.

    I've been watching the documentary Appalachia on PBS. SO interesting, the mountains are beautiful (but not fun for a Midwesterner to drive in). ;)

  4. Hi Matty! Wow, girl you sure have been working. Everything looks so wonderful, the scones, the corn, the preserves! We spent the evening making apple pies. We have been having a lot of rain too. It has been cooling things down a bit. I love your video. I wish our rain could be a little bit more calm. Lately it seems to roll in out of no where in the afternoon and then it pours like a monsoon. I hate being out on the road when that happens. It can be blinding. I sure wish that I lived near by and could visit your booth at the Farmer's Market, it sounds so fun. Have a wonderful time Matty and I hope you and Mister have a good time! With Love, Delisa :)

  5. Oh my... you've been busier than a bee! Enjoyed meeting Sweet Pea (always loved that name).

    And yes, we're getting lots of rain and storms too, with lots of sunshine and hot between times. A very interesting summer, enjoying each day as it comes.

  6. Dear Matty,

    You are certainly a busy bee! I wish you the best of luck with your schedule and all that goes into it. May this autumn bring a well-earned respite from all the hard work of this summer.




Thanks for dropping in on the farm today! I enjoy your comments!

